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Graeme Boyce, as a corporate development officer, has had a successful career as an “agent of change”.  Since the mid-90s, Boyce has been invited to participate in the growth of many new exciting opportunities across several industries, such as entertainment and media, marketing and communications, and travel and tourism.  However, he also believes in giving back to the community, particularly youth and young adults, and has given lectures and seminars (at Career Days) in many local high schools, as well as taught professionally at the college level.

Boyce builds businesses, effectively and efficiently.  Currently, he writes and executes business plans (and brand strategies) for clients, and in the recent past has successfully pitched integrated concepts to investors and partners.  Boyce works very well in the boardroom, classroom and office alike.  His skills sets, experience and capacity for time-lined and process-driven management, whether human, product or brand, ensures any project’s ultimate success.

Inducted into the Canadian Showbiz Wall of Fame, Boyce has been professionally involved in the entertainment sector for nearly twenty years.  This includes the acquisition and manipulation of talent, rights management and the creation and development of digital content as proprietary assets for clients and employees.

Under the umbrella of “Communications”, his various corporate responsibilities have included writing and presenting business plans to investors, launching and operating start-ups, researching and ramping new brands.  Boyce has traveled extensively in Asia, North America and Europe, as well as throughout the Caribbean islands.  In his early days in the music business, he also toured with popular punk bands from coast to coast.

In 2007 Boyce contacted Jack Churchward.  Together, Boyce and the great-grandson of James Churchward – the famed Victorian explorer, inventor and author, who spent 30 years searching for the truth and evidence of Mu (a civilization that existed in the midst of our last Ice Age but that was wiped out many, many thousands of years ago), will now co-produce Before The Egyptians – The Search for Mu for an international audience.

Additionally, CIVILIZED PRODUCTIONS will produce an initial series tentatively titled “This Is A True Story” for audiences in countries around the world, which will focus on 13 of their celebrated figures from history, including gifted and legendary politicians, statesmen, athletes, actors and entrepreneurs, who were all leaders and visionaries, heroes and philanthropists, to explore elements of acts of heroism.

As executive producer and under the direction of Boyce, once delivered, the series will serve as a template.  The team will then create additional seasons of compelling content for international distribution.  This will grow our database, and based on reaction from the public, enable us to put into production feature films and sell advance tickets.


1. civilizedgraeme - August 30, 2015

The background image was taken (by me) on the beach adjacent to our hotel in Ghana. I hope we humans truly learn from our mistakes.

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